Wednesday 15 February 2012

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Happy valentine day to everyone!! Today, i saw a lot of couple having their sweet memories... kinda envy when seeing them... i thought my 'mrs. right' will appear today but it seems not... I've been single for more than a year... i hope one day I'm gonna find my 'Mrs. right'... i wanna wish every couple happy always and hope your relationship will last forever... May GOD bless you!! <3

Monday 13 February 2012

Valentine's Eve!!

tomorrow is valentine's day... who am i gonna celebrate with?? i really wish i could celebrate with the one i love... but my 'Mrs. Right' haven't appear in my life... actually i wish to go back with one girl which i couldn't forget her... 'SHE' is my girlfriend two years ago... i remember she express her love towards me... and i accepted it because i know she is a good girl... she is also charming and adorable as well... but due to her problem, she break with me after the 3 months plus of relationship...i can understand why she break with me so i accepted it because i respect her decision too... eventhough it's just a short relationship, but we have wonderful memories... (i wish i have a time machine so that i can reverse to that time....hmmmm~)  now...the only thing i can do is wish her always happy no matter who she choose to be with...because i know it's impossible for us to be together again... and i will always wish her the very best in her study, relationship, and health... =')

Sunday 12 February 2012

Feelings on 1st blog!!

Finally....Chris has create his own blog!! wow!! I'm kinda excited because this is my very 1st blog of my life!! hehe =D well, everyone has purposes why they create blog and so do i... i create this blog is to express my 'inner feelings' where i normally don't tell people... but sometimes there is exception for sure... but i really hope through here i can express my feelings instead of keeping it in my heart and make myself suffers... well, i think that's all for my very 1st blog... i will update it from time to time whenever i'm free... maybe this will let u all get to know me some more... ^^v