Saturday 31 March 2012

Let Her Go :')

Chris... It's time to let her go... she doesn't love you since the 1st place... I really wanted to ask her a question : why she want to lie to me again and again?? I put everything on her and she means everything to me BUT I MEAN NOTHING TO HER.... I can only blame myself because I step in too deeply... now I lost my way and I couldn't get out from it... I hope she will choose me at the end but I help her to make decision by letting her go with him... he can give everything to her but me??? I'm just a student and come from a simple family...I couldn't give you anything except my 'valuable' love... but I really thankful for what you have given me during our relationship...I really happy to be with you even though it's maybe your 'acting'... I've been cheated but I don't mind because I really love you... :') 

The 'old' Chris Lai has dead.... ECG shows straight line......... :') 

Friday 30 March 2012

heart crushed :'(

I wrote a note to her... in the note i state my feelings... I think maybe she really never care about me before... she don't even call me to listen what am I thinking... previously she will but now NOT ANYMORE... I made up my mind to let go...but my heart really reluctant... I force myself not to think about her but her image keep appearing... last 2 days I was in the airport to send her into the departure hall...but I don't know how to face her... I've been in airport for more than 2 hours but I was hiding in some corner of the airport just to see her leaving... as she enter the departure hall, then I appear from nowhere... fuhhhh.... see her leave make me even sad... my sense become more confident of her purpose going there... I hope you don't lie to me... this few days honestly I wait for your call to stop me from breaking with you but it seems that you accept... anyway, I will pray for you and him... I will let go and thanks for the memories you gave me... I will never forget you and this blog will always put our theme song... my feel towards you will remain... maybe I couldn't care, love you as previously but I will try to help and protect you silently... bye~~~~~ T.T

Thursday 22 March 2012

Fall in Love !!

Chris has fall in love with a girl name Wendy Teo ~ she is a good girl...with good attitude...although she sometimes blur2 one and is a 'sleeping beauty' as well (when she fall asleep, she looks pretty), but she is a girl that don't smoke, don't drink alcoholic, and she always go church...oh GOD, I fall in love to her already~  Chris had been crying for the past 3 nights because of her... I'm hurt not because she not love me but I'm a bad guy...I involve into her relationship with other guy and now she had to make a choice between me and him... I'm still waiting for her answer and I really really hope at last she will choose me... I hope to hold her hands till forever... even though we been for two weeks, I don't know why I hardly to let her go... I want to let her go as she is more happy with him... but I couldn't and reluctant to do so... after few days of thinking and I finally made up my mind that I want to continue to be with her...maybe after this, there will be more problem between me and him but I couldn't care about that anymore...I will hold her hands tight as long as i could... I will never let go... BABE, MAYBE I'M NOT AS GOOD AS OTHER GUY OUT THERE...BUT I CAN PROMISE TO YOU THAT I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU AND I WILL ALWAYS CARE, LOVE, AND PROTECT YOU... WHENEVER YOU ARE SAD, REMEMBER THE SHOULDER THAT YOU ALWAYS LAID ON IS READY FOR YOU~ I LOVE YOU FOREVER!! MUAKX!!