Saturday 31 March 2012

Let Her Go :')

Chris... It's time to let her go... she doesn't love you since the 1st place... I really wanted to ask her a question : why she want to lie to me again and again?? I put everything on her and she means everything to me BUT I MEAN NOTHING TO HER.... I can only blame myself because I step in too deeply... now I lost my way and I couldn't get out from it... I hope she will choose me at the end but I help her to make decision by letting her go with him... he can give everything to her but me??? I'm just a student and come from a simple family...I couldn't give you anything except my 'valuable' love... but I really thankful for what you have given me during our relationship...I really happy to be with you even though it's maybe your 'acting'... I've been cheated but I don't mind because I really love you... :') 

The 'old' Chris Lai has dead.... ECG shows straight line......... :') 

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