Sunday 29 April 2012

Friday 27 April 2012

I will love you always...

I will maintain my feels to you until whenever it is... I won't forget you my love... I LOVE YOU ALWAYS!! :')

Thursday 26 April 2012

It ends.........

It ends already... I feel very sad because she wasn't choose me... but I wanna thanks her for what she had gave me in the past... I'm really happy with her along our relationship... no matter where I go, I will never forget to pray for her... I want her to be in healthy and safe condition... keep all problems away from her... because I can't see her sad... I want her to be happy... I rather I'm the one that is suffer... lastly....I love her a lot and I will always do... T.T

Thursday 19 April 2012


Baby... no matter what happen I will always waiting for you... sorry for being very jealous because I'm afraid of losing you one day... I will always waiting for baby and your answer... just want to let you know that 'baby wen, I LOVE YOU ALWAYS' muakx!! 

Monday 9 April 2012

One month anniversary

Baby, happy one month anniversary... I love you much much o... :) In this one month, we been laugh, joke, and even cry for each other... even though I plan to let go of you but I really can't make it... I'm not a very strong guy... my heart been crushed before by you but it's on healing process... I trust you baby but I really hope you won't hide anything from me...just let me know if there is anything ya... I don't want between us there is 'SECRET'... trust me babe, I never hide anything from you and I hope you also... thanks for the happiness you gave me babe, I really happy with you... sometimes you also blur blur one but that's special about you... hehe!! You are cute and pretty even when you are sleeping...haha!! when I see you sleep in the car, I will think of putting my hand beside your head to let you comfortable, it doesn't matter if I'm tired or not... :) Forgive me baby if I done anything wrong before... I angry because I care about you, I jealous because I don't want to lose you... I wanna treat you well to make you the happiest girl on earth... :) maybe I'm not as good as other guy but my love to you will be more than them... even though in this anniversary you didn't say anything to me or maybe you forget already but it's ok... I will help you to remember it and during this special day I will always say it to you... that is " Baby, I Love You " muakx!! 

Friday 6 April 2012


Whenever you need help you will quickly find me but if you don't need any help, I'm actually nothing to you... I really want to know, what is in your mind?? I feel that I'm being used by you... but I'm willing to do all of this for you because I REALLY LOVE YOU~  :'(  at the first place, I don't have any feels towards you but after be with you, i feel that you are actually a good girl... that makes me fall in love to you~ 

Monday 2 April 2012


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥  Baby... I miss you badly and I love you deeply ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥  


I love you so much... how about you?? do you really love me?? 

Saturday 31 March 2012

Let Her Go :')

Chris... It's time to let her go... she doesn't love you since the 1st place... I really wanted to ask her a question : why she want to lie to me again and again?? I put everything on her and she means everything to me BUT I MEAN NOTHING TO HER.... I can only blame myself because I step in too deeply... now I lost my way and I couldn't get out from it... I hope she will choose me at the end but I help her to make decision by letting her go with him... he can give everything to her but me??? I'm just a student and come from a simple family...I couldn't give you anything except my 'valuable' love... but I really thankful for what you have given me during our relationship...I really happy to be with you even though it's maybe your 'acting'... I've been cheated but I don't mind because I really love you... :') 

The 'old' Chris Lai has dead.... ECG shows straight line......... :') 

Friday 30 March 2012

heart crushed :'(

I wrote a note to her... in the note i state my feelings... I think maybe she really never care about me before... she don't even call me to listen what am I thinking... previously she will but now NOT ANYMORE... I made up my mind to let go...but my heart really reluctant... I force myself not to think about her but her image keep appearing... last 2 days I was in the airport to send her into the departure hall...but I don't know how to face her... I've been in airport for more than 2 hours but I was hiding in some corner of the airport just to see her leaving... as she enter the departure hall, then I appear from nowhere... fuhhhh.... see her leave make me even sad... my sense become more confident of her purpose going there... I hope you don't lie to me... this few days honestly I wait for your call to stop me from breaking with you but it seems that you accept... anyway, I will pray for you and him... I will let go and thanks for the memories you gave me... I will never forget you and this blog will always put our theme song... my feel towards you will remain... maybe I couldn't care, love you as previously but I will try to help and protect you silently... bye~~~~~ T.T

Thursday 22 March 2012

Fall in Love !!

Chris has fall in love with a girl name Wendy Teo ~ she is a good girl...with good attitude...although she sometimes blur2 one and is a 'sleeping beauty' as well (when she fall asleep, she looks pretty), but she is a girl that don't smoke, don't drink alcoholic, and she always go church...oh GOD, I fall in love to her already~  Chris had been crying for the past 3 nights because of her... I'm hurt not because she not love me but I'm a bad guy...I involve into her relationship with other guy and now she had to make a choice between me and him... I'm still waiting for her answer and I really really hope at last she will choose me... I hope to hold her hands till forever... even though we been for two weeks, I don't know why I hardly to let her go... I want to let her go as she is more happy with him... but I couldn't and reluctant to do so... after few days of thinking and I finally made up my mind that I want to continue to be with her...maybe after this, there will be more problem between me and him but I couldn't care about that anymore...I will hold her hands tight as long as i could... I will never let go... BABE, MAYBE I'M NOT AS GOOD AS OTHER GUY OUT THERE...BUT I CAN PROMISE TO YOU THAT I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU AND I WILL ALWAYS CARE, LOVE, AND PROTECT YOU... WHENEVER YOU ARE SAD, REMEMBER THE SHOULDER THAT YOU ALWAYS LAID ON IS READY FOR YOU~ I LOVE YOU FOREVER!! MUAKX!! 

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Happy valentine day to everyone!! Today, i saw a lot of couple having their sweet memories... kinda envy when seeing them... i thought my 'mrs. right' will appear today but it seems not... I've been single for more than a year... i hope one day I'm gonna find my 'Mrs. right'... i wanna wish every couple happy always and hope your relationship will last forever... May GOD bless you!! <3

Monday 13 February 2012

Valentine's Eve!!

tomorrow is valentine's day... who am i gonna celebrate with?? i really wish i could celebrate with the one i love... but my 'Mrs. Right' haven't appear in my life... actually i wish to go back with one girl which i couldn't forget her... 'SHE' is my girlfriend two years ago... i remember she express her love towards me... and i accepted it because i know she is a good girl... she is also charming and adorable as well... but due to her problem, she break with me after the 3 months plus of relationship...i can understand why she break with me so i accepted it because i respect her decision too... eventhough it's just a short relationship, but we have wonderful memories... (i wish i have a time machine so that i can reverse to that time....hmmmm~)  now...the only thing i can do is wish her always happy no matter who she choose to be with...because i know it's impossible for us to be together again... and i will always wish her the very best in her study, relationship, and health... =')

Sunday 12 February 2012

Feelings on 1st blog!!

Finally....Chris has create his own blog!! wow!! I'm kinda excited because this is my very 1st blog of my life!! hehe =D well, everyone has purposes why they create blog and so do i... i create this blog is to express my 'inner feelings' where i normally don't tell people... but sometimes there is exception for sure... but i really hope through here i can express my feelings instead of keeping it in my heart and make myself suffers... well, i think that's all for my very 1st blog... i will update it from time to time whenever i'm free... maybe this will let u all get to know me some more... ^^v